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Holley prices are the same just about everywhere you go, but people buy from us because we answer the phone, make sure you buy what you need and then we support you with Training and Tuning.

Holley EFI systems bring fuel injection to everybody, from carburetor-replacement systems perfect for street rods, hot rods, and muscle cars to high-end professional racers. Holley has the most comprehensive product line, from low-cost Sniper systems to the well-known Dominator EFI. Holley is the standard for GM's factory COPOs and NHRA, which now mandates the Holley HP for all Pro-Stock racers.

​We sell, train, tune, and support the entire line of Holley EFI products.

We MUST talk to you first when you want to purchase an EFI system.


This way, we can make sure you are buying the best product for your situation and that you don't overlook anything. People have clicked and purchased items on this site without realizing other considerations. Therefore, we have decided to close the E-Commerce section for product families that require a preliminary conversation.


Products not requiring us to talk first are still available for you to simply click and buy.


Holley has discontinued the Sniper-1 Family, so it will take a few days for this website to be updated. The updated website should make the "sometimes confusing" Sniper-2 Family much easier to understand. At least that's our objective. In the mean time. some Sniper-1 products will not show up.


SNIPER 1 and 2

The Sniper family is the entry-level TBI (throttle body injection) EFI system that supports from 2 barrel systems up to 650, 850, 1250, and even 1500 horsepower.



We could talk about what the HP ECU can do for quite a while, but it's easier to visualize that it's a Dominator without the extra I/O, only single wideband support, and no ability to support drive-by-wire or electronic transmissions. We sell more HPs than any other system, and racers love the built-in automatic data logging.



There's a lot to an EFI fuel system. It all breaks down to fuel pumps, filters, and regulators.



Harnesses are the most challenging part of an aftermarket EFI system. There are many choices for main harnesses, injector harnesses, ignition harnesses, and a wealth of auxiliary harnesses. 



The Terminator-X family is the next step after the Sniper. It's a powerful ECU that is separate from the throttle body. It's almost an HP or a Dominator, but not quite. The harnesses do make installation to most engines almost plug-and-play.  




If we wrote a list of everything the Dominator could do – it would be so long that you wouldn't read it. It's one of the industry's standard ECUs.



In the EFI world if you want to control ignition timing from the ECU without even opening the hood or getting your hands dirty, you choose between a dual-sync distributor if you require a cam signal for coil-near-plug ignition along with sequential port injection or a crank signal only distributor for all other systems that do not use port injection.



The Terminator is really an HP ECU configured to use a TBI throttle body and the handheld dash. You get the robust functions of the HP ECU with no compromises or limitations. One of the fastest and highest quality ECUs on the market. 



A Digital Dash is the perfect add-on to any hot rod or race car, whether you are just looking for a versatile digital screen to display all of your engine's vitals, or you'd rather replace EVERYTHING on your dashboard.


EFI can't run without sensors.

O2 sensors:


Questions? Send us a message, and we'll reply promptly! 209-247-6497

Thanks for submitting!

Big Daddy and Richard Nedbal EFI Expert Nats 2009 600 pixels
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